Will history repeat itself in the U.S. markets?

Will history repeat itself in the U.S. markets?

The timeless saying that history repeats itself was repeatedly proven in the U.S. presidential elections. Trump has now been elected president for a second time. The question now is whether history will also repeat itself in the markets, just as it did after his...
Democracy and investments

Democracy and investments

Whenever people invest in a certain market, they are betting on the strength of that country or economy. It’s a bet on whether development and progress will sustain growth in the long run. They may also be betting on the political system—whether it’s stable, whether...
Competitive Advantage

Competitive Advantage

Tour de France is starting soon. This cycling competition is considered one of the most challenging competitions in the world. The racing takes place for 21 consecutive days with competitors cycling various distances across France – upwards of 200km each day....
Spakur Invest with 17.53% return in 2023

Spakur Invest with 17.53% return in 2023

General meeting of Spaks Invest hf. was held last Thursday, May 2. The current board of directors was re-elected. The fund’s assets totaled ISK 1.12 billion at the end of last year and the fund’s exchange rate rose by 17.53% in 2023 after all costs. The...
The magic number 7

The magic number 7

It took God six days to create the world – but then on the seventh day, he rested. That’s no coincidence. Seven is a holy number in most religions and frequently makes an appearance in fiction and mythologies. There used to be the seven world wonders, there are seven...
Can one new drug change the world?

Can one new drug change the world?

When I was a little girl, I remember seeing an interview with an old man on the television, the man was asked which technological discovery during the twentieth century had been the most significant of his life. The man’s answer came as a surprise: Wellington...